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Our customized pageant prep schedule will tell you exactly what to do, how to do it and when to do it for every single step. Heck, we even tell you when to book your hair appointment.
RSVP your wardrobe. We will let you know if your competition is planning on wearing the same thing (or something similar). Oh, and don’t worry. We keep your identity and wardrobe a secret.
Use our shop to buy from contestants who have won their pageant. Or, activate your own eCommerce store to sell your wardrobe.
Use your profile to collect money for ad page sales, raise money for charity and to cover your pageant expenses. You keep what you raise and we direct deposit the money into your account.
You’re making a name for yourself. Connect our “Book Me” tool to your social media profiles to make it easy for companies to book you for modeling, appearances or social media collaborations. We’ll handle the payment collection and deposit the money to ensure you get paid.