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Speech Competition

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Price: $50
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Product Description

Inspire, inform, and entertain by delivering an original speech on any age-appropriate topic. Speeches are limited to 2 minutes.  Judging criteria includes articulation, creativity, stage presence, and message or content. Speeches should be delivered entirely from memory, however, contestants are allowed to bring a written copy of the speech to the podium. Notecards, props, or any other handheld accessories are not permitted. Maximum 2 entries per contestant.

Inspire, inform, and entertain by delivering an original speech on any age-appropriate topic. Speeches are limited to 2 minutes. 

Judging criteria includes articulation, creativity, stage presence, and message or content. Speeches should be delivered entirely from memory, however, contestants are allowed to bring a written copy of the speech to the podium. Notecards, props, or any other handheld accessories are not permitted.

Maximum 2 entries per contestant.

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  • Type: Optionals
  • Inventory: 20